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Migration from Immer to Mutative

Mutative is a drop-in replacement for Immer, so you can use it with a few changes.


mutative-compat - Mutative wrapper with full Immer API compatibility, you can use it to quickly migrate from Immer to Mutative.

produce() -> create()

Mutative auto freezing option is disabled by default, Immer auto freezing option is enabled by default (if disabled, Immer performance will have a more huge drop).

You need to check if auto freezing has any impact on your project. If it depends on auto freezing, you can enable it yourself in Mutative.

import produce from 'immer';

const baseState = {
list: [{ text: 'coding' }, { text: 'learning' }],

const nextState = produce(baseState, (draft) => {
draft[1].done = true;
draft.push({ title: 'something' });

Use Mutative

import { create } from 'mutative';

const baseState = {
list: [{ text: 'coding' }, { text: 'learning' }],

const nextState = create(baseState, (draft) => {
draft[1].done = true;
draft.push({ title: 'something' });


import { produceWithPatches, applyPatches } from 'immer';


const baseState = {
info: {
name: 'Michael',
age: 33,

const [nextState, patches, inversePatches] = produceWithPatches(
(draft) => {;

const state = applyPatches(nextState, inversePatches);


Use Mutative

import { create, apply } from 'mutative';

const baseState = {
info: {
name: 'Michael',
age: 33,

const [nextState, patches, inversePatches] = create(
(draft) => {;
enablePatches: true,

const state = apply(nextState, inversePatches);


Return undefined

import produce, { nothing } from 'immer';

const nextState = produce(baseState, (draft) => {
return nothing;

Use Mutative

import { create, rawReturn } from 'mutative';

const nextState = create(baseState, (draft) => {
return rawReturn(undefined);

For more on how Mutative differs from Immer, visit Mutative vs Immer.