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If you have any questions about mutative, you can feedback on GitHub Discussions.


  • Why does Mutative have such good performance?

Mutative optimization focus on shallow copy optimization, more complete lazy drafts, finalization process optimization, and more.

  • I'm already using Immer, can I migrate smoothly to Mutative?

Yes. Unless you have to be compatible with Internet Explorer, Mutative supports almost all of Immer features, and you can easily migrate from Immer to Mutative.

Migration is also not possible for React Native that does not support Proxy. React Native uses a new JS engine during refactoring - Hermes, and it (if < v0.59 or when using the Hermes engine on React Native < v0.64) does not support Proxy on Android, but React Native v0.64 with the Hermes engine support Proxy.

  • Can Mutative be integrated with Redux?

Yes. Mutative supports return values for reducer, and redux-toolkit is considering support for configurable produce().