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Use create() for draft mutation to get a new state, which also supports currying.


import { create } from 'mutative';

const baseState = {
foo: 'bar',
list: [{ text: 'todo' }],

const state = create(baseState, (draft) => { = 'foobar';
draft.list.push({ text: 'learning' });

In this basic example, the changes to the draft are 'mutative' within the draft callback, and create() is finally executed with a new immutable state.

create(state, fn, options) - options

Then options is optional.

  • strict - boolean, the default is false.

    Forbid accessing non-draftable values in strict mode(unless using unsafe()).

    When strict mode is enabled, mutable data can only be accessed using unsafe().

    It is recommended to enable strict in development mode and disable strict in production mode. This will ensure safe explicit returns and also keep good performance in the production build. If the value that does not mix any current draft or is undefined is returned, then use rawReturn().

  • enablePatches - boolean | { pathAsArray?: boolean; arrayLengthAssignment?: boolean; }, the default is false.

    Enable patch, and return the patches/inversePatches.

    If you need to set the shape of the generated patch in more detail, then you can set pathAsArray and arrayLengthAssignmentpathAsArray default value is true, if it's true, the path will be an array, otherwise it is a string; arrayLengthAssignment default value is true, if it's true, the array length will be included in the patches, otherwise no include array length(NOTE: If arrayLengthAssignment is false, it is fully compatible with JSON Patch spec, but it may have additional performance loss), view related discussions.

  • enableAutoFreeze - boolean, the default is false.

    Enable autoFreeze, and return frozen state, and enable circular reference checking only in development mode.

  • mark - (target) => ('mutable'|'immutable'|function) | (target) => ('mutable'|'immutable'|function)[]

    Set a mark to determine if the value is mutable or if an instance is an immutable, and it can also return a shallow copy function(AutoFreeze and Patches should both be disabled, Some patches operation might not be equivalent). When the mark function is (target) => 'immutable', it means all the objects in the state structure are immutable. In this specific case, you can totally turn on AutoFreeze and Patches. mark supports multiple marks, and the marks are executed in order, and the first mark that returns a value will be used.


const [draft, finalize] = create(baseState); = 'baz';
const state = finalize();

Support set options:

const [draft, finalize] = create(baseState, { enableAutoFreeze: true });

More details about currying, please see currying.